Kamra Procedure Details

28 Dec 2012

Exclusive to Optilase

What does the KAMRA procedure involve?

The eye surgeon will put numbing drops into your eyes to make sure you’re totally comfortable throughout the quick procedure. Then, he’ll create a microscopic opening on the surface of your cornea with a specialised laser-it’s completely painless and only takes a moment-and implant the tiny inlay.

The inlay is made of a biocompatible polymer, which means your body doesn’t react negatively to it. It has thousands of microscopic holes to allow eye fluids and nutrients to pass through freely to ensure corneal health.

What can I expect after the surgery?

The First 48 Hours
Immediately after surgery, you’ll be sensitive to light; and you might have a little irritation or watery eyes. Your recovery time will vary but you should be able to go be to work and resume normal activities within 24 hours of surgery.

The First Week
The amount of improvement in near vision will increase. For some people it’s quite immediate; for others it might take a little time, depending on how quickly you heal. It will range from dramatic to moderate, varying by patient, in the first week.

The First Three Months
Regardless of your healing pattern you’ll find yourself reaching for your glasses much less often, if at all. It’s fairly common to have to use artificial tears at this stage as your natural tear film hasn’t recovered yet. You should take breaks from up-close tasks to avoid eye strain in these first couple of months; your vision might still fluctuate a little.

The Next Nine Months
You should be experiencing a whole new level of visual freedom by now; you’ll have follow-up with your surgeon to make sure all is well. The goal of the KAMRA inlay is to reduce your dependency on reading glasses-you might still use them for working in dim light or performing up-close tasks for a long period of time.

Will my eye look different?

The inlay is tiny; much smaller than a contact lens, microscopically thin and light. It’s almost impossible for anyone to see it, even on light-coloured eyes.

What are the most common side effects?

Your Optilase team will thoroughly discuss all of the expectations and common temporary side effects with you before surgery; they’ll monitor you afterward and ensure you have tear drops to keep your eyes moist until your own natural tear film settles down.

Common side effects like glare or light ‘halo’ will resolve over time. To find out if you are a suitable candidate for KAMRA, give Optilase a call and book a free consultation on 0800 0121 565.

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