Common Eyesight Problems and How to Correct Them

25 Apr 2016

Your eyes, just like the rest of your body, will eventually encounter some problems. Not all of these issues will be age-related or genetic. Whether it is a temporary concern or something that could affect your daily life, it is important to be aware of the most common eyesight problems. If you experience any of them, visit your eye care professional right away. The sooner you seek treatment, the better the outcome may be.

What are Common Problems with Eyes?

Most eyesight issues appear as you age and are part of the normal aging process. However, there are some that can also affect an individual at any age. These common issues include:

1. Presbyopia

This is when you cannot see objects close or in small print. It is a common condition that can happen over a lifetime, but you may not notice significant issues until past 40. It can be corrected with reading glasses as well as LASIK eye surgery.

2. Floaters

This is when you see tiny spots or specks that float across your field of vision. This condition is noticeable in a well-lit room as well as outdoors. Floaters are normal, but they can also be a sign of retinal detachment. If you notice these, go to see your eye doctor right away.

3. Cataracts

Cataracts create cloudy areas inside your eye lens. Cataracts will form slowly and some stay so small that they never truly impact your eyesight. If they do, they can be corrected with laser eye surgery.

4. Glaucoma

Glaucoma occurs as pressure builds up in your eye. As the pressure increases, it can damage the optic nerve. Treatment for glaucoma will depend on the severity, but can include eye drops or surgery.

5. Corneal Disease

Your cornea is a clear, dome-shaped window at the front of your eye. It is what allows light to focus. Diseases or infections to the cornea can damage it and even lead to halos, reduced vision or pain. It is typically treated with prescription eye drops, prescription eyeglasses or surgery.

6. Macular Degeneration

This is the leading cause of vision loss in multiple countries – especially in those over the age of 50. It can develop at any age and the treatment will depend on the type and severity. In some cases, surgery is required.

If you have severe changes in your vision or you have noticed that you no longer can see as clearly as you did before, have your eyes examined right away. The team at Optilase can examine your eyes and help determine which laser eye surgery procedure is right for you.

Schedule your consultation or enquire further by calling us on 0489 043 8397 in Ireland and 0800 511 8005 in the UK. Have questions? Fill out our online enquiry form.

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